About Hold Me Tight

Do you long to feel connected with your partner again? Do you wish to feel heard and understood and not so alone in your relationship? Do you often end up feeling like you can’t get it right? Maybe you are preparing for marriage and want to understand how to have  a lifelong successful relationship. Or maybe you just want to make a good relationship even stronger. Join us for our transformative couples weekend workshop. “Hold Me Tight®” is a registered trademark to Sue Johnson.

Everyone needs a secure bond with another. This bond offers us a safe haven in the world. Couples get in distress when they become disconnected and that bond does not feel secure. This is a transformative workshop based on the therapy model Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy by Sue Johnson.This workshop will help you better understand romantic love and the pivotal moves and moments that define your relationship. You will be able to shape the positive moments of reaching and responding that create a secure bond. A safe, loving, lasting bond is entirely possible if we have a map. This is a workshop that provides that map.

This workshop is for any couple who wants a better, stronger, intimate relationship. It is good for premarital couples who want to best be prepared for the road ahead to avoid common pitfalls in marriage, it is for struggling couples who want to get unstuck from negative patterns that leave both feeling frustrated and alone. And it is even for healthy couples who want to deepen their intimate connection with one another.

This workshop is not appropriate for couples where there is an active and ongoing affair, active or untreated addiction, or where there is active abuse in the relationship. If you are struggling with any of these issues, please contact us for counseling resources to guide you toward the help you need.

About Hold Me Tight

Do you long to feel connected with your partner again? Do you wish to feel heard and understood and not so alone in your relationship? Do you often end up feeling like you can’t get it right? Join us for our transformative couples weekend workshop.

Everyone needs a secure bond with another. This bond offers us a safe haven in the world. Couples get in distress when they become disconnected and that bond does not feel secure. This is a transformative workshop based on the therapy model Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy by Sue Johnson.

This workshop will help you better understand romantic love and the pivotal moves and moments that define your relationships. You will be able to shape the positive moments of reaching and responding that create a secure bond. A safe, loving, lasting bond is entirely possible if we have a map. This is a workshop that provides that map. “Hold Me Tight®” is a registered trademark to Sue Johnson

If you can't make the next one, we have more weekends available below!
Hope you can join us!

Next Workshop Begins In:

Workshop Registration

One ticket per couple

November 9 and 10, 2024

8:30am to 5pm 

Hold Me Tight® is a 2 day intensive workshop based in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy by Sue Johnson, created for couples struggling with communication, intimacy and security. This workshop will be led by Jennifer Harms and Tyler Edmondson of Healing Hearts Counseling and is held in Knoxville, Tennessee to help couples heal broken bonds and create a more secure, intimate relationship.

This workshop will help you better understand romantic love and the pivotal moves and moments that define your relationship. You will be able to shape the positive moments of reaching and responding that create a secure bond. A safe, loving, lasting love is entirely possible if we have a map. This is a workshop that provides that map.

Hold Me Tight will help you and your partner feel safe, secure and connected by enabling you to:
  • Understand the underlying reasons you get into struggles over and over.
  • Change negative patterns that leave you frustrated, angry and hurting.
  • Express needs and longings.
  • ​Engage in conversations keeping your love alive and secure.

What You Will Learn

Through a series of seven conversations, as a couple, you will learn:
  • The science of bonding and attachment, our wired in need for connection, acceptance and support from our intimate partner
  • The patterns of interaction that prevent or sabotage the very closeness we seek, how we spiral and get stuck
  • To become aware of those patterns when they appear, and learn how to stop them
  • To establish new ways of communicating and connecting, based on love and the need for closeness and connection
  • To carry new understandings and new skills forward, to continue to nourish, deepen and grow your relationship.
Workshop Details:
  • Hold Me Tight® workshops are held from 8:30am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday, with an hour and half break for lunch on your own each midday.
  • Coffee, water and light snacks will be provided throughout the workshop.
  • The workshops are held at 10261 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37922
  • For those coming from out of town, recommended area hotels and restaurants will be provided.
  • The cost for the weekend is $995 per couple. (Early Bird Pricing Available)
  • The workshop format will be broken up into multiple segments where you will have opportunity to work on exercises privately as a couple.
  • Group size is limited to 10 couples. You will not be asked, or required, to share during the group portions of the weekend.
  • It is highly recommended that you read Hold Me Tight, the 7 Conversations of Love by Sue Johnson prior to attending the workshop.

Your Facilitators

Watch this clip of Dr. Sue Johnson, founder of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, author of Hold Me Tight, and creator of the Hold Me Tight workshop, discuss the science behind and the benefits of Hold Me Tight for couples.

What People Are Saying

“The entire weekend presented us a safe place to explore our connections and find ways
to strengthen our bonds and heal old wounds. It allowed both of us to identify and share
with each other the deeper emotions behind our surface actions. We both feel like
we now have an excellent foundation to continue moving forward in our marriage.

We very strongly recommend this workshop for any and all couples.
What a great weekend!”

Knoxville Workshop Attendee
Space is limited to only 10 couples.
Sign up today!
for more information email